27 February 2012

Modifikasi mobil jeep

Modifikasi mobil jeep , Youve heard the person's name of nature enthusiasts car stick with a Brotherhood Jeep? So at this juncture, deceptively the word brotherhood is not just for the bikers motorcycles, although the brotherhood is and used by the brothers of the four-wheeled automotive enthusiasts, markedly for those who animated adventure.

Car stick Jeep Brotherhood is and burden kopdar (ground brown) in the East parking page Senayan, Jakarta packed to the arena lashing choice. They have a variety of adventure activities in accordance with the type of car they have, which is on the road, offroad, baksos and and go along with the automotive activities in general.

If you are paying attention and mean to join and mean to become a permanent member, how painless. The the majority important thing is to have the Jeep strain vehicles, up to the time and its kind (in the least strain as long as the Jeep). In addition, you surely should have a valid drivers license.

Vision and mission of the stick Jeep Brotherhood is to encourage, and result knowledge and automotive hobby (markedly Jeeps) then form a means to strengthen relations and cooperation in the company of fellow automotive enthusiasts (markedly Jeeps) and entered interested in a collaboration with automotive organizations an additional precisely as other restricted institutions for the do good to of secretarial stage.

The composition of the board survive interval (until 2010) of the stick Jeep Brotherhood was chaired by the Chairman: Bro Aden Treasurer: Bro Oscar PR: Bro Ardian and Activities: Sidqhi Bro.

mobil jeep 4x4

modifikasi mobil off road

gambar mobil offroad

gambar mobil jeep

iklan mobil jeep

jual beli mobil jeep

modifikasi mobil feroza

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